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A few posts ago, I wrote about love.  I am no expert on this topic but have an obsession with it due to my occupation being centred around it.  No, I don’t organize speed dating gatherings  (although I would quite like to) but I do write fantasy, wisdom fiction for young adults with strong themes of love and belovedness.  However, this is just an adult disguise for the truth that I am a huge succour (or sucker) for the passions and perfection of pure love.  I am a die-hard romantic and will possibly die prematurely because of it (but hopefully not because I am a slow learner and need all the time I can get to work this stuff out!)

I turned fifty a few weeks ago and am attempting to see this as the beginning of a Jubilee season in my life.  Jubilee is an old Hebrew celebration that comes around every fifty years.  Land is returned to original owners, and people are expected to renew a society based on egalitarian values.  I believe there was quite a bit of eating and drinking and being merry with neighbours and friends. (At least, it’s hard for me to imagine any better way of celebrating Jubilee.)

As part of my celebrations, I want to invite you (my blog friends from around the world and friends/family closer to home) to write a couple of lines about love in the comments section after this post.

After posting It’s about Love with a question that asked ‘What do we find so difficult about the concept that God is Love?’, someone asked me ‘But what is love?’  My feeble attempt to describe love in the post had not helped this person, and this person was not a young person.  So, I have gone back to the drawing board on this one and am calling in reinforcements (i.e. you) to help.

One of the sensual ways that I recognize love is through the smell of the first rain on the dry earth.  While I was watching a local football match the other day, one of my friends enlightened me to the fact that there was a grown-up word for this smell.  It is petrichor.  (As a writer, I should have known this but I don’t know many big words really.  This is why I write for young humans, or humans like myself that get confused by sophisticated English words.)  I was so excited that there was one single word to describe this joyous experience that I wrote an acrostic piece of writing about other experiences that help me know what love is using the word PETRICOR.  Here it is:

People who help me to believe I’ve turned out just the way Creator intended when S/He sang me into being

Everything  and everyone seems to be new and beautiful and non-judgemental

Time becomes irrelevant and immeasurable

Resting in the friendship of Christ and other humans

I am who I am (regardless of the messiness, traumas or opinions of those who fear) and I am beautiful

Co-incidences that happen reminding me of the powerful loving attentiveness of Yahweh


Over-riding sense of protectedness as if a large broody mother bird is watching over me

Redemption (this is one of those big words I don’t really understand but I will continue with it regardless) of hurts, failures or botched-up relationships from the past

Please throw me a pearl of wisdom about love from your strand of many.